2 Thessalonians 1 Commentary

2 Thessalonians 1 Commentary

The questions that Paul addresses are commonplace. We all have them.

Wickedness and the perpetrators of wickedness will one day be punished. This will happen when the LORD Jesus Christ returns. No one will miss His coming. Blazing fire with his powerful angels, His appearance isn’t a small matter!

The angels are His angels. Verse 7.

So wickedness has its own day in court. It’s called the Day of the LORD.

The suffering saints have their own day, a day of final redemption. They will bask in the presence of their Master, the LORD Jesus Christ.

At the base of the Christian faith is this hope. Check it again. We are fools without this hope. Indeed, one day, (the Day of the LORD) we shall see our Master in His glory. Wickedness will be punished and God’s people shall have their own day.

The presence of Jesus answers all the questions. The answer will have come. Questions disappear altogether.

In the meantime, Paul prays for the saints that the LORD keeps them worthy of the calling – the name of Jesus being glorified in them. That’s believers’ task between now and the Day of the LORD – Keeping themselves ready for the big day.

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Published by Joseph Malekani

Joseph Malekani is a born-again Christian with a strong PAOG/Baptist background. He is heavily involved in student ministry with ZAFES – an IFES movement with focus on student ministry in Zambia. He is married to Audrey and they have two lovely children.

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