Philippians 2 Commentary

Philippians 2a Commentary You can treat the poor well but still think they are a class below yours. You can help the poor (as is scriptural) but still hold your position as a class higher than theirs. In either case, the only scriptural act is your goodwill or generosity; not your mindset! Materialism has theContinue reading “Philippians 2 Commentary”

Philippians 1 Commentary

Philippians 1 Commentary Jesus is called “Christ Jesus” twice in verse 1. He is called “Lord Jesus Christ” in verse 2. These are but names; yet we know Paul is calling Jesus by who He is – a prefix of expectations. The Philippians were a church that partnered with Paul by providing logistical support forContinue reading “Philippians 1 Commentary”

Ephesians 6 Commentary

Ephesians 6 Commentary We have instructions for different interactions and relationships in the first section: Children versus parents; parents versus children; employees versus employers and vice-versa. It’s the weak versus the strong, and vice versa. It’s the have-nots versus the ‘haves’. Ponder. Verse 4 underlines two parental functions: Training and teaching. The two are different.Continue reading “Ephesians 6 Commentary”

Ephesians 5 Commentary

Ephesians 5 Commentary Follow God’s example. Yes but how? Is it even possible? Verse 1 is an impossible instruction! We need to check further. Verse 2 provides the clue. We must look at Jesus. He is our model. Verse 3 brings it home. Record zero readings in the following: sexual immorality, impurity, greediness, obscenity, foolishContinue reading “Ephesians 5 Commentary”

Ephesians 4 Commentary

Ephesians 4 Commentary Focus on verse 8. The quoted scripture is a celebration of triumph for Israel – a triumph for the LORD. The LORD went up Mount Zion and took captives. These captives brought gifts. They paid tribute. This was the LORD’s promise to Abraham. The verse in Palm 68 verse 18 seems toContinue reading “Ephesians 4 Commentary”

Ephesians 3 Commentary

Ephesians 3 Commentary Verse 1 may suggest that Paul is suffering one of his many imprisonments. Or, it could refer to his mindset as a perpetual prisoner – a hunted man. Or, as a slave of Christ Jesus, he is fully given to hardships for the sake of the gospel among the Gentiles. It’s hisContinue reading “Ephesians 3 Commentary”

Ephesians 2 Commentary

Ephesians 2 Commentary The ruler of the kingdom of the air – the spirit who is now at work in the disobedient. It’s a direct reference to the devil. It is singular, the ruler. Later, in Chapter 6, the apostle refers to rulers, authorities, powers, and forces. We have a system! The system expresses itselfContinue reading “Ephesians 2 Commentary”

Ephesians 1 Commentary

Ephesians 1 Commentary Peter is right: Paul’s teachings are hard! 2 Peter 3 verses 15 and 16. In two places in this opening chapter, he clearly references the term predestination as applies to its true meaning. Believers are predestined for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will. The freelyContinue reading “Ephesians 1 Commentary”

Galatians 5 Commentary

Galatians 5 Commentary Paul has written quite extensively on the subject of the Spirit. This term must be used even more frequently than the term Jesus! Jesus was a physical man who interacted with physical people for a short period. But He still interacts with people through His Spirit – the Holy Spirit. It allContinue reading “Galatians 5 Commentary”