Psalm 66 Commentary

Psalm 66 Commentary

The psalmist was living during the times when idolatry was commonplace. Nothing different from our own times. Countless gods existed for all sorts of objects, events, activities, or outcomes. There was a god for rain. Another god existed for fertility. The list was endless.

The psalmist makes a call to all. “Sing the glory of His name; make His praise glorious.” Let humanity appreciate the realities of God’s exclusive control over the elements of nature. Let the nations know who is lord over all.

Here is an example: He turned the sea into the dry ground and Israel passed through the waters on dry land. Let all understand that the LORD rules by His power. If the saint experiences moments of apparent failure, let the saint appreciate the fact of God’s rule which is always by power and not by weakness. The picture of two competitors standing toe-to-toe and exchanging victories and losses is totally false. The LORD God rules by absolute power over His entire creation.

Let the sound of His praise be heard. Let the world hear you praise God. It means you are not your own god. You have not succeeded by your own strength of character, intelligence, or connections. The LORD God has it all covered for you out of His abundant love.

The LORD may allow you to go through ‘things’. He is testing you. It is an exam you must pass. The answer to the first question is that the LORD is in absolute control of everything happening. Then the saint can declare that they will still go to the LORD’s temple and worship.

Then the psalmist makes it personal. He wants his world to see for themselves what the LORD has done in his life. Prayer becomes easier when the saint sits down and navigates his life. Then they can see for themselves God’s constant rule over their lives. It is always a source of deep praise.

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Published by Joseph Malekani

Joseph Malekani is a born-again Christian with a strong PAOG/Baptist background. He is heavily involved in student ministry with ZAFES – an IFES movement with focus on student ministry in Zambia. He is married to Audrey and they have two lovely children.

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